
What would a near future ruleset be without a hacker character? Atypical, we say! So, here are the rules for the “Hacker,” which is an archetype of Rogue: Archetype: Hacker The dwarf swore using the name of an ancient god of his people. He’d been detected, and he had a […]

Project 2050: The Hacker

In the future, we’ll all have super cool robot human bodies. With laser eyes and chainsaw hands. Bzzz! Bzzz! Okay, we may be a ways off from that yet, but hopefully not too far (roughly 33-ish years). Cybernetic implants are a staple of the Cyberpunk genre, and a big part […]

Project 2050: Cybernetics

So far, we’ve had a couple articles explaining the thought chain we’re pursing when it comes to digital systems and computers for 2050. In this article, I’m going to outline some actual game rules and associated numbers for these. I’ll also try to explain any pertinent lines of thinking regarding […]

Project 2050: Digital Rules

One of the key questions or decisions that Project 2050 has to make is what we’re going to do – or recommend – about the Net. How does it look? How does the interface work? What happens there? Our first clues lie in our inspirational materials. In Neuromancer, Gibson describes […]

Project 2050: Visualizing The Net

So, we’ve talked before about what we hope to accomplish with 2050, but one thing that we keep going back and forth on is the setting itself. After the OGL rules are released, we are going to crunch hard on the core rulebook, which will include a campaign setting. Dad and […]

Weekly Dump: 2050 Setting

So, of course, no modern or near future setting would be complete without a sweet ride. So, vehicles! The way 5e handles vehicles is pretty simple: it doesn’t. Okay, yeah, there is a tool proficiency called “Vehicles(land)” associated with a background or two (the Folk Hero comes to mind). However, […]

Project 2050: Vehicles

Computers and other types of digital technology are going to be a key feature of Project 2050. We’re going to try to project forward in a reasonable way while maintaining viability, recognition, and playability. Enough people have read Gibson’s ‘Sprawl’ books, Cline’s ‘Ready Player One’, and have seen ‘Bladerunner’, ‘Johnny Mnemonic’, […]

Project 2050: Computers

So, it’s the future, and things are pretty sweet! We have here our future bedroll tucked under our future backpack. Inside we have our future trail rations stored neatly beside our future waterskin and future flint and steel. Oh yeah, look at all that future-ey-ness! Woo! Oh, wait, all that […]

Project 2050: Armor

Matthew 92 views on the site yesterday Shawn Yeah, shit seems to be taking off. People are even reading the chat dumps. They are obviously sad, sad people. Shawn Blade Barrier is clearly Evoc. Matthew You’ve said that before Shawn It’s not a ‘barrier from blades’, it’s a ‘barrier OF […]

Weekly Dump: Chat Dump, Vol. 4.

In the first installment of Project 2050’s take on modern weapons, I talked about how guns are not going to be a complete game-changer in Project 2050. We’ve made a deliberate decision to model guns on the existing and suitable bows and crossbows mechanic. Obviously, there are differences, but from a […]

Project 2050: The Range and Accuracy of Guns